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Scope Of Work - CIVIL WORK

Construction of Batu Tuhup Permanent Jetty Progressing Well, loating Barge concept KALIMANTAN REGION
    1. Civil work scope for Barge Loading Conveyor with 1000 tph capacity.
    2. 3-meter Coverdam height at the perimeter of the 80.000 MT Coal Mi ing stockpile against the water river flood.
    3. Land Clearing, soil excavation, and soil compaction for the preliminary work of the lower structure.
    4. Topography checking and coordinate pointing for the each foundation installment.
    5. On-site workshop development for the supporting facility during construction.
    6. Piling at the land for the Relocatable Hopper foundation and 1000 tph of Ground Modul Conveyor.
    7. Casting, rebar cutting, rebar installment, concrete pouring for the foundation, and tie beam against the differential settlement of the upper structure conveyor.
    8. Pilling for the Dolphin structure with the floating barge system at the Fender line jetty of Barito River against the berthing force of the vessel.
    9. Verticality monitoring during the piling erection and installment of the dolphin structure